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Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney

At DOUG ROTHSCHILD, P.C., we have seen first-hand the effects of serious and sometimes permanent injuries caused by automobile, truck and motorcycle accidents. They can cause a complete disruption to our clients’ lives and have devastating affects on their families. After an accident, our clients are often frustrated as they deal with vehicle repairs and other bills, while missing time from work and receiving constant calls from insurance companies. When clients come to Doug Rothschild Injury Lawyers, our aim is to minimize their stress and help them focus on getting the medical attention they need. While our clients recover, we deal with the insurance companies.

We handle automobile accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, as well as bicycle and pedestrian accidents. We help our clients obtain appropriate compensation for their past and future medical expenses, loss of wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, permanent disfigurement, disability, scarring, interference with lifestyle and career activities, and other damages.

By carefully monitoring each and every client’s case, from intake through their active medical care, we are in a better position to provide solid evidence to support that case, whether we present it to an insurance company as part of settlement negotiations, or in court. Throughout our representation, we are zealous advocates for our clients and their families, and present their claims in a thorough, organized and innovative manner.


Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney

Toxic mold and residential water intrusion is growing cause of injury to people and property. Mold is a tenacious, unwelcome house guest. It climbs up bathroom walls, invades carpet and infests drywall. Certain molds are toxic, meaning they can cause serious illness to persons who come in contact with them. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are five varieties of household mold that are harmful to your health: Penicillium, Aspergillus, Stachybotrys, Paecilomyces, Fusarium. Not all mold present in your residence is toxic. Toxic or not, the presence of mold in your residence is evidence of some form of water intrusion.  Moist, wet, and damp indoor environments affect individuals differently and to different degrees.  Doug Rothschild Injury Lawyers represents tenants and homeowners harmed through these exposures to help ensure they receive full compensation for their injuries and economic losses.

Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney

The following are some of the most common

adverse health effects:

  • Muscle Cramps
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Asthma
  • Respiratory problems - shortness of breath
  • Nose irritation
  • Dry skin irritation
  • Sinus congestion
  • Burning and watering eyes
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea
  • Aches and pain
  • Fever


Injury claims are often made against your landlord, your property management company, the seller who sold you your house (if they knew of the condition and did not disclose it), and others. If you have been physically and economically damaged as a result of mold and/or water intrusion and it is determined that someone else may be responsible for that condition, then you may be entitled to recover your damages, which can include your pain and suffering, your medical expenses (both past and future), your costs for other housing, as well as your cost of replacing (or cleaning) damaged property.  Doug Rothschild Injury Lawyers helps families who, through no fault of their own, are forced to live in unsafe, unhealthy, and uninhabitable housing.



Each year some 3,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer usually associated with exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma tumors occur in the thin membranes that line the lungs, abdomen or heart. A diagnosis of mesothelioma is very serious. Although many cases are fatal within two years, early diagnosis and proper treatment can often lead to a good prognosis and extended survival.

Doug Rothschild Injury Lawyers are experienced mesothelioma lawyers, fighting for the rights of workers and families affected by this terrible cancer. We are a Sacramento area law office, not a New York or Illinois based "litigation mill" you see advertised on TV. Mesothelioma law is a specialized area of expertise. To successfully win a mesothelioma lawsuit, it requires that you employ attorneys who have the specific experience. Clients have confidence in our law office and its lawyers due to its track record of success, asbestos product identification, asbestos exposure investigation, and the science and medicine of mesothelioma.

Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney


More than 50 asbestos companies have created asbestos bankruptcy trusts. A report by the RAND Corporation showed that by June of 2010, these trusts already had paid billions of dollars to those injured by exposure to asbestos. The asbestos trusts have set aside significant funds to compensate future valid claims.

What does this mean? If you have been injured by asbestos exposure, there may be compensation options in addition to (or instead of) litigation.

Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney


If you have a diagnosed asbestos related injury, such as mesothelioma, lung cancer or asbestosis, you may be eligible to get compensation from bankruptcy trusts. These are programs set up by bankrupt companies previously involved in the asbestos industry.

The rules governing asbestos bankruptcy trusts are strict and vary from company to company, making the process complicated and confusing. It takes expertise to get a bankruptcy claim approved and settled.

Valid and successful claims against asbestos bankruptcy trusts can lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlements. The recovery amounts you can receive depend upon developing the facts in your case, which sites and products you were exposed to, and the degree of illness you are diagnosed with. Sometimes it’s as simple as establishing that you worked at a site that was known to have asbestos containing products by the bankrupt asbestos company during your time of employment – but it takes someone who knows these sites, the products, and the companies inside and out – to meet the level of evidence required by bankruptcy trusts.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, or asbestosis, call us today and let us help you get the compensation you deserve.


DOUG ROTHSCHILD, P.C. handles cases where someone's negligence has caused your injuries. If you believe your injury was the direct result of the negligence of another person or business, we have the knowledge, resources and experience to help. We thoroughly investigate each case and properly advise clients of their legal rights. Below are some examples of general negligence matters:


Premises liability cases can arise when a property owner’s negligent maintenance and/or failure to protect against a dangerous condition results in a visitor slipping, falling or otherwise injuring themselves and suffering what is often a serious injury. Shopping centers, hotels, restaurants, and other businesses, as well as private property owners, all have a legal duty to provide a safe environment free and clear from dangers. Many premises liability claims involve injuries caused by other dangerous conditions such as improper lighting, insufficient security, or insufficient maintenance. We are well-versed in the legal requirements for each type of case and can help our clients determine whether they have a valid premises liability or slip and fall claim.

Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney


Burns are injuries to skin and bodily tissue caused by heat or radiation, chemicals or electricity. Thermal burns, which are most common, occur as a result of fires, vehicle accidents, as well as heating and electrical malfunctions. An increasingly prevalent form of thermal burn relates to laser skin treatments.

Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney


Many people suffer serious and permanent injuries through the negligence of a dog owner who fails to properly leash, cage, supervise, train or manage their animal.

D O U G   R O T H S C H I L D,  P. C. 

T H E  I N J U R Y  L A W  F I R M​

E M A I L : I N F O @ D O U G F O R Y O U . C O M

P H :   ( 9 1 6 )  2 3 5  -  8 5 3 2

F X : ( 9 1 6 )  2 3 5  -  9 4 0 4 

2 3 7 7  G O L D   M E A D O W  WAY,   S T E   1 0 0

  G O L D   R I V E R ,   C A   9 5 6 7 0

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©  2 0 2 4  D O U G  R O T H S C H I L D,  P. C.  |  A L L   R I G H T S   R E S E R V E D | S A C R A M E N T O  P E R S O N A L  I N J U R Y  L A W Y E R S 

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